Okay, yesterday I posted the first writing prompt, but we decided to change the format a little and give it its own little "room" on the board...sometimes I just get too excited with something new and get ahead of myself I guess
Anyway...I will repost it here for the first official writing prompt.
For all you budding journalists and writers, we decided to make this section dedicated to the craft of writing. There will be one room with postings of upcoming Authors' conferences and workshops and writing contests - feel free to post any you may be aware of and a link to their site for anyone interested.
There will also be a "room" for Sean to post his contributions - "Mad Libs" besides the game itself, I am sure he will post his own renditions of his completed Mad Libs too - feel free to add yours to the mix if you like. "Mad-Libs" are a quirky, fun writing game where you are asked to think of various things - nouns, verbs, adjectives, a proper name, something tall....stuff like that and you give the first answer that pops into your head without knowing the context of the story. When your responses are complete, you go back and plug them into the story for a nonsensical humorous story. Its lots of fun...and who knows, it may end up giving you a story idea.
This "room" will be for writing prompts - little thoughts, questions, phrases to get the creative juices flowing. Feel free to post your answers if you like. There are no right or wrong answers...just fun. Maybe a story idea will pop uot from the answers you give.
Today's writing prompt: "If I were a superhero, I would be..."
Wow, that's kind of tough. In the world of fantasy wizards are kind of like superheroes so I would like to be Merlin. He is, after all, the greatest wizard to have ever lived. Just think, he has all the magic in the worlds (yes, with an s) at his disposal - he has learned to transcend time and space and lives forward and backward in time, virtually making him an immortal, yet he is personable and beloved by mortals and the fantastical nations alike. Pretty tough to beat that.
For those who say Merlin is not a superhero (humph)...okay, okay I guess I would say I identify most with Kitty Pryde. She was an excellent student and teacher and most definitely an adventurer...wonder if Professor Stromber could teach me to walk through walls like she does? Hmmmm, that would make a great elective class for next semester!
What about you? Who would you be and why?